You Killed My Wife

By: AJ Wilton


The overview, discussion questions, and suggested reading provided here are intended to enrich your group’s discussion of You Killed My Wife, the gripping new novel by AJ Wilton. This thrilling story delves into themes of justice, loss, and revenge, offering plenty of thought-provoking material for readers to explore.


Mort's first goal on returning home to Brisbane after retiring from the armed forces is to investigate his wife's death...

With a post-mortem trail that presents him with scandalous industrial espionage and both police and political corruption within Queensland, Mort finds his colleague Pig is the only one he can trust as he delves into the depths of putrid filth in his home state. Together, they must combat this insidious situation, battle not only rife politics and procedures but also outlaw bikie gangs out to protect their own interests.

With a skillset learned from the front-line military, Mort and Pig's journey is filled with intrigue and danger and ultimately comes to a climax that will see them at the brink of their own existence with only the air in their lungs to keep them alive...

One answer has many questions...


As they read along, the bloggers are given prompts to reflect on to spark further discussion and engage the community. 

  1. "You killed my wife" If you overheard someone in a bar say this, what would be your reaction?

  2. What do you think the SCs are up to?

  3. How do you think the increased accessibility of 'spy' technology might influence people's behavior and alter their actions, knowing that they could be under constant observation?

  4. Mort says he's addicted to coffee, what is your hot drink of choice?

  5. From all you have read so far, are you surprised Mort and Pig have a line they won't cross?

  6. Do you think that individuals should have the right to use 'spy' technology to protect themselves and their property, or should there be limits to prevent misuse and abuse? Are there parallels with having a gun licence?

  7. Do you think Mort & Susie make a good couple, why/why not? 

  8. Who is your favourite character and why? 

  9. There's a firefight in this chapter, does it go how you'd hoped?

  10. Mort describes Fraser Island as somewhere the "tranquillity rolls over you" share your predictions for the next book, do you think there will be calm waters ahead? 

Get the first chapter FREE!